WEEK6 : Underground Comics - Mr. Natural

Reading Mr. Natural was a bit distubing. At first, it was a bit mellow and there wasn't really anything that's rated R, as my teacher mentioned that there would be in class. I didn't think that much of it, excpet for the fact that it was funny. I believe sense I was told these are offensive, I was really looking too much into the comic to actually be offended. I was just readinfg through and looking at the illustrations. I did feel a bit of offence to the way the black people were drawn and portraid in the comic as being rude and threatening to someone that's on "their turf". I think what really had me was when I made it to the graphic part of the comic. The big baby out in the desert giving Mr. Natural a blow job because he "didn't have anything else to feed her with", really had me SHOCKED! This means as in "OH MY GOSH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT THE BABY!!!!!!" type of shock.


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