Week 14: 21st Century Comics: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

I found this web comics blog on Buzz Feed's article 42 Web Comics You Need to Read. Out of all 20 that I've read, I liked the one by this blog so I clicked the link and started reading random comics. They were funny and entertaining. I bookmarked the site so I can go back and find it because it was pretty cool to press the random button and just go through and read relateble, funny, and sometimes, weird comics. On BuzzFeed I read a really weird one that was about two guys dataing and one of them told ythe other one about a tattoo he was hiding that he got when he was in high school. Of course that wasn't the weird and funny part. The other guy had a big secret too. He stood up and unzipped a human suit and revealed that he was actually seven furby dolls. Very Weird. The funny part was when he said "We feel really close to you now". LMAO! 


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